Anorak Girl - Cybersex


Anorak Girl

Formats Tracks Price Buy
7" Vinyl Single 2 tracks £3.49


Anorak Girl - Cybersex

Now we dont know too much about this lot. We received a demo in mid 1996 which reminded us of Helen Love which was very good timing as HL had just left and signed to Che records.

They did two singles, Plastic Supermodel and Cyber Sex, and had a track on a Snakebite City comp, they also had an exclusive track on the first cheap Damaged Goods Sampler (Damgood 144).

I don’t think they ever played live and they have now split up. What can you do....?


7" Vinyl Single (DAMGOOD154)
  1. Cybersex!
  2. Anorak Girls